Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Asain Finacial Crisis Essay Example For Students
The Asain Finacial Crisis Essay The Asain FinacialCrisisThe beginning of the Asian financial crisiscan be traced back to 2 July 1997. That was the day the Thai Governmentannounced a managed float of the Baht and called on the International MonetaryFund (IMF) for technical assistance. That day the Baht fell around 20per cent against the $US. This became the trigger for the Asian currencycrisis. Within the week the Philippines and Malaysian Governments wereheavily intervening to defend their currencies. While Indonesia intervenedand also allowed the currency to move in a widened trading range a sortof a float but with a floor below which the monetary authority acts todefend the currency against further falls. By the end of the month therewas a currency meltdown during which the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathirattacked rogue speculators and named the notorious speculator and hedgefund manager, George Soros, as being personally responsible for the fallin value of the ringgit. Soon other East Asian economies became inv olved,Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and others to varying degrees. Stock and propertymarkets were also feeling the pressure though the declines in stock pricestended to show a less volatile but nevertheless downward trend over mostof 1997. By 27 October the crisis had had a world wide impact, on thatday provoking a massive response on Wall Street with the Dow Jones industrialaverage falling by 554.26 or 7.18 per cent, its biggest point fall in history,causing stock exchange officials to suspend trading. We will write a custom essay on The Asain Finacial Crisis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Countries such as Thailand, Indonesia,Malaysia and the Philippines have embraced an unusual policy combinationof liberalisation of controls on flows of financial capital on the onehand, and quasi-fixed/ heavily managed exchange rate systems on the other. These exchange rate systems have been operated largely through linkageswith the United States (US) dollar as their anchor. (1) Such external policymixes are only sustainable in the longer term if there is close harmonisationof economic/ financial policies and conditions with those of the anchorcountry (in this case, the United States). Otherwise, establishing capitalflows will inevitably undermine the exchange rate. Rather than harmonisation, there seemsto have actually been increased economic and financial divergence withthe US, especially in terms of current account deficits, inflation andinterest rates. These increasing disparities have prompted global (andlocal) financial interests to speculate against the administered exchangerate linkages, i.e. speculative pressure mounted that the monetary authoritiesin these countries would not be able to hold their exchange rate links. In most cases, such financial speculation has been of sufficient magnitudeto actually provoke the collapse of the administered exchange rate links,in the manner of self fulfilling prophecies. Defence of the exchangerate through the use of foreign exchange reserves and higher interest ratesproved to be insufficient. (2)The result has been large devaluationsof the exchange rates of these countries, especially against the US dollar. Large interest rate increases to support the exchange rates at their newlower levels (to prevent wholesale over reaction and collapse in foreignexchange markets and to help contain the strong inflationary forces setin motion); and extra restrictions in fiscal policy. Designed to rise nationalsaving, contain domestic spending and reassure foreign investors and internationalinstitutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Figure 1 showsthe magnitude of this devaluations. The IMF had arranged conditional financialsupport packages for Thailand and Indonesia. (3) Financial support is providedin exchange for (on condition of) economic policy reforms which, it isargued, will encourage economic recovery and help prevent a recurrenceof the turmoil these countries are now experiencing. In the case of Australia,help to Thailand has taken the form of a currency swap where AustraliasUS dollar assets of up to $1 billion were exchanged for Thai Baht, withan agreement that the reverse exchange would occur at a future point intime. These financial crises have also provokedsubstantial falls in the stock markets of these countries and in otherparts of Asia. (They also contributed to stock market falls around theworld). Foreign investor funds would have been initially withdrawn as exchangerate speculation mounted, and this would have partly taken the form ofa sell off of foreign-owned stock. As well, much higher interest rates(both before and after the currency devaluations) encourage flows of fundsout of shares and into loan/ debt-type assets. In turn, higher interestrates and lower exchange rates have substantially increased the rate ofcollapse/ bankruptcy of businesses operating in highly leveraged sectors(especially where loan contracts were written in foreign currency), andthis would have further undermined confidence in the stock markets throughoutAsia. Figure 2 shows the recent stock market price falls in these countries. Overall, reductions in the growth of spending,production and employment in the region are likely to be prominent consequencesof these financial crises. Both as the direct result of the financial disruptionsand also as the result of consequent contraction in economic policy changesthat have been, and will be, implemented. Loss of general economic andfinancial confidence will reduce the growth in spending and output andthe related tightening of fiscal and monetary policy will reinforce theseeffects. (5) Economic growth in these countries in the next couple of yearswill probably be substantially lower, and countries such as Thailand mayactually tip over into recession, i.e. its absolute level of output mayfall. .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 , .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 .postImageUrl , .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 , .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4:hover , .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4:visited , .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4:active { border:0!important; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4:active , .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4 .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2c5f0ac7564e48d9bb066d898f176bc4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Axis of Evil vs. Evil Empire Sample EssayThis downturn is likely to continue untilthe inflationary forces unleashed by the large exchange rate devaluationshave been tamed. Foreign exchange markets stabilise at their new lowerprices, and the enhanced international trade competitiveness of these countries(arising largely from the currency devaluations) allows them to betterimplement export led growth strategies. Such strategies have traditionallybeen the most successful and effective means of encouraging growth in Asia. Thailand and Indonesia seem to have beenthe worst affected by the economic and financial crisis of the last severalmonths; Malaysia and the Philippines seem to be in somewhat better economicand financial shape, at least compared with Thailand and Indonesia. Singaporeappears in turn to be much better placed than the rest of the region andis likely to have the least economic and financial problems. This is becauseof the latters more advanced economic structure, more sophisticated financialsystem, more flexible exchange rate system and substantial current accountsurpluses (in contrast to the deficits elsewhere in the region). (6)Further Economic and Financial ProblemsEnhanced trade competitiveness will alsohelp these countries better deal with their longer-term problems of repositioningtheir economies in a region where trade competition has intensified andwhere domestic policy directions have often been counter-productive. Competitionfrom China and other developing countries in standard ised products thatmake intensive use of low-skilled/ semiskilled labour have reduced exportgrowth in Southeast Asia at the same time as imports of capital goods inthe region have continued to grow strongly. (China has also been much assistedby earlier large exchange rate devaluations). These trends have contributedto large and increasing trade and current account deficits in the region,and this seems to have been one of the fundamental reasons why speculatorsand other financial interests began to move against many of the currenciesof Southeast Asia. While much of the high rates of investmentin these countries have been directed towards efficient and productiveuses, a substantial part has gone into industries unsuited to the economicconditions of these countries. (Such as national car projects), or intosectors (such as commercial property) where asset price inflation has distortedinvestment priorities and taken capital away from more efficient uses. Thus, the productivity of such investment has been lower than expectedand has not contributed much to the ability of these countries to fundtheir capital imports. The bursting of asset price inflationbubbles, fuelled and then undermined by speculative activity, has alsocontributed to the economic and financial crisis (especially in countriessuch as Thailand). This in turn has rapidly increased the amount of bad/non-performingloans in the banking systems of these countries (and for foreign lenderssuch as the Japanese banks) and has forced the closure or consolidation/merger of a number of lending institutions. Thus, the crisis has envelopedthe financial systems in the region, and has been accentuated by high ratesof borrowing. Its resolution will also require structural reform of financialinstitutions. (7) The prudential regulation of financial institutions willprobably also have to be drastically upgraded in these financial systems. Asset price deflation, rising bad debtsand failing banks provide a very dangerous mixture for national economicperformance and may require several years of adjustment before they canbe fully overcome. The case of Japan is both instructive and rather frightening. After rapid Japanese asset price inflation in the 1980s (especially inproperty and shares), the early 1990s there saw asset price crashes, escalatingbad debts (since these were often secured against the now vastly devaluedassets) and banks teetering on collapse. Japan has seen very low economicgrowth in the last six years as it has attempted (ineffectively) to copewith such deep-seated financial problems. It is now clear that the Japanese financialsector has not been rationalised in the thorough way needed for strongeconomic recovery. Insolvent institutions beyond hope of trading theirway out of trouble have not been closed but have been allowed to lingeron. Bad loans beyond any genuine hope of payment have not been writtenoff against shareholder capital and/or government funds but have remainedhidden in the nether regions of institutions balance sheets. (8) However,more resolute action by Japanese financial regulators may now be forthcoming. It can only be hoped that the countriesof Southeast Asia fare better but this will require rapid, concerted responsesto the problems confronting them. The policy responses so far announcedhave been reasonably encouraging but much more needs to be done. (9)Affect to New ZealandNew Zealands rapidly growing export marketsin Southeast Asia will probably be cut back substantially in the next coupleof years. This is both because slower growth in the region will reducethe growth in demand for New Zealand exports, and also because the muchlower real (inflation-adjusted) exchange rates of Southeast Asian countrieswill further reduce their imports by favouring domestic production thelatter effect will also favour their exports. Further second round adverseeffects on our major trading partners such as Japan and South Korea willbe important to New Zealand. Similarly, New Zealand exports to Asiacan be expected to eventually recover when exports from these SoutheastAsian countries themselves accelerate under the influence of their devaluedexchange rates. The latter export expansion will then help to generatebroader recoveries in economic growth in the region. The strong economic fundamentals ofhigh rates of investment, saving, technological transfer, and expansionin education and training throughout Asia all point to the region recoveringto robust economic growth once the current set of problems have been dealtwith. (The crucial proviso is probably that financial sector problems inthe region be effectively resolved). Thus, the medium to longer term prospectsfor New Zealand exports to Asia remain strong so long as our producerscontinue to be competitive in terms of price and quality. .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 , .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 .postImageUrl , .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 , .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13:hover , .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13:visited , .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13:active { border:0!important; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13:active , .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13 .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9d3cefb82c0a742409262e114c33eb13:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Slavery In America EssayEstimates of reductions in New Zealandeconomic growth resulting from this negative external shock currently rangefrom 0.2 to 1.0 percentage point falls in the next year or two. (13) Initialestimates were at the low end of the range, but more recent forecasts havegenerally been higher, as more adverse information has been received. (Fallinggrowth in New Zealand exports is likely to be reinforced by cuts to investmentand consumption plans). These estimates pose serious problemsfor the New Zealand economy and New Zealand economic policymakers. Mostimportantly, they imply that New Zealand economic recovery in the growthof output and employment, which according to many forecasters already looksto be only quite moderate and gradual, could be substantially nullifiedby the external economic shock emanating from Southeast Asia, and its flow-oneffects on Northeast Asia. (14)Difficult dilemmas for the current settingof New Zealand monetary and fiscal policy are thus created. For example,disturbances to New Zealand financial markets caused by the crisis alleviateagainst any current relaxation of monetary policy arising from considerationof the need to counter the external economic shock proactively. This is especially so in the case of therecent fall in the New Zealand dollar; this acts to encourage net exportsand helps to counter the external shock (but also adds to domestic inflationarypressures, mainly through higher import prices). However, this devaluationcould prove to be substantially the result of financial market over-reactionand thus could be quite temporary in nature. Unfortunately, this may notbecome clear until end of 1999, by which time a further reduction in officialinterest rates might be rather late in terms of dampening the externalshock. The enduring currency devaluation may be insufficient in itselfto dampen the external shock substantially. On the other hand, even if monetary policyis relaxed now this will do little to nullify the shocks effect on NewZealand spending and growth. This is because of the substantial time lagsinvolved in the impact of such monetary policy changes on the economy. However, such a policy relaxation could help to bolster growth after nextcalendar year, if the effects of the crisis on New Zealand are expectedto last that long. Monetary policymakers also seem to berestrained at the present time by uncertainty about the magnitude and durationof the economic effects of the Asian crisis on New Zealand, and its effectsupon the future course of New Zealand inflation in particular. (15) Thisalso comes at a time when official forecasts already see inflation risingback into its target range, in 2000, of 2-3% underlying inflation. (16)Fiscal/ budgetary policy might also helpto dampen the shock by temporarily moving to a more expansionary/less restrictivestance. It is an attractive policy tool since it has shorter lags of impacton the economy than monetary policy and is less likely to generate exchangerate devaluation (and consequent intensified inflation pressures) thanmonetary policy. This might allow stronger growth while also allowing theinflation target to continue to be met. However, fiscal policy is currently ina contraction stance at the national level, being preoccupied with budgetdeficit reduction to boost levels of national saving and help contain currentaccount deficits. Indeed, New Zealands current account deficit is highlylikely to increase as a result of the negative external shock arising fromAsia, and this mitigates against any move to fiscal policy expansion. Bibliography1.International Monetary Fund, WorldEconomic Outlook, October 1997, Table 16. 2.The Asian Financial Review July1998, pp. 37-39. 3.The IMF and Indonesia: BalefulBonanza, The Economist, 8 November 1997, p. 95. 4.Commonwealth of Australia, JOURNALNo. 90, 11 August 1997, and No. 116, 1 November 1997. 5.For a critical perspective onsuch policy changes, see: Greg Earl, IMF Solution Follows Wrong Track:Economists, Australian Financial Review, 19 November 1997, p. 13. 6.Economist Intelligence Unit, CountryReport: Singapore, London, 3rd quarter, 1997, pp. 23-26. 7.Simon Davies and John Ridding,Crisis into Catastrophe? Financial Times (London), 31 October 1997, p. 15. 8.Max Walsh, Aid Parcels to JapaneseBanks, The New Zealand Herald, 18 November 1998, pp. 25-26; Max Walsh,Time for Japan to Save the World, The New Zealand Herald, 21 November1998, pp. 29-30. 9.John McBeth, Big is Best: IndonesiasRescue Package Draws on the Thai Experience, Far Eastern Economic Review,13 November 1997, pp. 68-69; Greg Sheridan, The Asian Malaise is Curable,28 November 1997, p. 13. National Business Review10.Charles Lee, The Next Domino?Far Eastern Economic Review, 20 November 1997, pp. 14-16. 11.Eric Ellis, Kim Inspects Mouthof IMF Gift Horse, Australian Financial Review, 24 November 1997, p. 12. 12.Teresa Wyszomierski and ChristopherLingle, Fortress Japan Under Siege, Australian Financial Review, 19 November1997, p. 20. 13.Ian MacFarlane, Forbes MagazineBusiness 1998, pp24-27. 14. Forecasts Lowered, The NewZealand Herald, 20 November 1998, pp. 29-30. 15.Reserve Bank of New Zealand,semi-annual Statement on Monetary Policy, November 1997, pp. 2-13. 16 A New Revolution by Peter SmithAs published in NZBUSINESS, August 1998, PP 5-12.
Monday, November 25, 2019
mumbai Mumbai slumsMumbai ranked 14 th in the world with a population of nearly 16,910,000 and ranked 13 th as a megacity but most people don't know that it is ranked 6 th for one of the biggest slums in the world.In this report I will be telling you some challenges that the people of Mumbai are facing and what could be the last of what these people will be facing in the future.Firstly, one of the biggest challenge people in Mumbai slum s are facing is the overcrowding of people as many as 18,000 people crowded into a single acre. Furthermore, the houses there are built with cheap, recycled bad quality materials. There is no clean water there so they would have to go to a nearby stream or well but sometimes there is no water there either. People are so poor that they start stealing things from other people which could lead to fights and conflict. Secondly, many people in the slums face a challenge of poor sani tation and limited health care can lead to the spread of disease for example pneumonia. Not only that these disease can spread from one place to another due to the space from one house to another. In addition to this the rich may also get theses disease as most of the slums in Mumb ai are in the centre.This image shows the difference in the urban world to the rural world in MumbaiThirdly, the infrastructure of the people who live in the slums is very poor, public transport is limited and connections to the electricity supply can be limited and sometimes dangerous not only that services that the rich get is less than what the poor get for example health care. Further more people don't have...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Assessment of polity and aristocracy
Assessment of polity and aristocracy Compare Aristotleââ¬â¢s relative assessments of polity and aristocracy. Which regime does he prefer? On what basis does he prefer one over the other? Is his preference convincingly defended? à à à à à à à à Different types of politics are exercised in countries all over the world. It is widely discussed, studied, and practiced in different forms of administration all over the world today. Many influential philosophers and political scientists of the modern day world base their knowledge of politics on the studies, books and thoughts written by respectable philosophical scholars of the past. Aristotle, a renowned Greek philosopher discusses politics in a sequence of books called Politics. In Politics, Aristotle establishes an importance of human excellence by setting out causal principles for a clear understanding of nature of all political philosophy. Throughout his observation in the books in Politics, Aristotle sets out the conditions of a perfect state in order to fulfill the best way of life. He states in Books VII of Politics that investigating to find the best regime is essential to oneââ¬â¢s life and emphasizes the importance preserving merits of virtue as an essential goal of politics to maintain freedom, stability and happiness. To investigate the regime Aristotle values, it is important to interrelate Aristotleââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"way of lifeâ⬠with the characteristics of a regime that he would prefer. This essay will introduce the six different types of constitutions that Aristotle examines in Politics, and will compare the common practices of the regimes polity and aristocracy. The analysis of the two regimes, polity and aristocracy will further reveal Aristotleââ¬â¢s preference of the political system, polity. Aristotle adapts Platoââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"six-fold classificationâ⬠chart from his book Statesmen and categorizes the six possible types of constitutions into two groups; the correct constitution, and the deviant. Under the ââ¬Å"deviantâ⬠constitution lies tyranny, oligarchy and democracy; and underneath the possible ââ¬Å"correctâ⬠constitution, kingship, aristocracy and polity remains. Aristotle creates the notion of two types of humans; individuals that were of ââ¬Å"nature freeâ⬠and of ââ¬Å"nature slavesâ⬠. He then separates the naturally free persons into two types; the prosperous oligarchs and the democrats.With the three ââ¬Å"deviantâ⬠types of constitutions evident, Aristotle sought to find a superlative regime by taking the good traits of the erroneous regimes. An analysis of Polity and Aristocracy Polity is among one of the constitutions that Aristotle believes it to be one of the correct forms of ruling. Polity is ââ¬Å"a mixture of oligarchy and democracy.â⬠Oligarchy is the rule of the few, in general consisting of the wealthy citizens and democracy, rule of the people, whereas the ruling class of the poor. In polity, power between the olig archs and democrats is shared among the rich and the poor creating a balance of power among the different types of classes. It is viewed as the most stable and practical regime to Aristotle. Polity takes out the best qualities of oligarchy and democracy creating a regime in which the interests of the poor and the rich are balanced. For example, the mixture of the two constitutions is made by including some of the characteristics usually related with democracy, such as a legislative body open to all citizens, with other qualities generally linked with oligarchy such as election to high bureaus.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Foster Care higher education Annotated Bibliography
Foster Care higher education - Annotated Bibliography Example tudy were identified between those living under residential units under care who were expected to leave once they turn 16 and also those who are living under foster families. Primarily, the study was a look at the experiences of students in university who were in care by authorities until their age of emancipation. The focus was on how foster care can be a good motivation and exposure for the youth in foster care to aim at achieving tertiary education. This was to show that foster care under the guidance of caring families, when properly employed, could be a great way to encourage college degree completion for otherwise misdirected teens. Nevertheless, the limitation on the number of participants and the length of the study must be noted considering that the participants are diverse, ranging from those who had finished school to those who havenââ¬â¢t. The study involved youth who had been offered the opportunity to attain higher education in what was identified as ââ¬Å"cohorts of university or college entrants were tracked through their university careersâ⬠divided into three groups. One group was followed a year after their graduation, the second was for up to two years, and the final one for only their first year. The interviews were conducted face-to-face for their first meeting and for another two or three other successive interviews, including through phone. These kinds of research are important especially in the United Kingdom where studies of a similar kind are not as vast and extensive as those in the United States. Further, after care higher education for these children are significantly lower than in the US. Improvements in the foster care system needs revamp in the UK especially in their wardsââ¬â¢ educational exposure. By Degrees was the most far-reaching study of its kind in the UK at its time. Those involved through the By Degrees program mostly showed better results than others. The subjects living in residential units had limited opportunities to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Ethics and Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethics and Social Responsibility - Essay Example The insufficiency of research became evident long before 2003; the scandals only highlighted the neglect of the topic. The author of the article believes that the scandal around Enron was a kind of ââ¬Å"crest of an already rising wave of interestâ⬠. However, we may say that the scandal, in fact, was a consequence of the inadequate focus on the issue. Indeed, only Arthur Andersen was involved into several court examinations of their fraudulent transactions since the end of 1980s. Those cases turned little attention to the problem. The stir was quickly calmed down, while it was not beneficial for many influential people of the country. There is no surprise that the ââ¬Å"wave of interestâ⬠started rising. The Aspen Institute and the Financial Times were among first institutions that started ranking business schools on the basis of their emphasis on the issues of environmental and social responsibility, greeting the introduction of relevant changes in curriculum and the est ablishment of specialized journals. One could also observe an upsurge of academic journals and books, as well as professional societies, dealing with the issues. Business ethics has long become an obligatory component in business schools curriculum. It has been recognized as vital by most of U.S. and European corporations, which would like to develop and prosper in future. Fortune 500 companies are among the most disciplined business institutions, able to present their codes of ethics and ethics officers. The article enumerates the key issues being discussed by corporations, including: sensitive payments abroad, corporate governance, diversity, effectiveness of compliance systems, environmental responsibility, executive pay, and the definition of corporate obligations to stockholders (p. 364). It is high time the scholars took to the advance research in the area of business ethics and corporate responsibility. Yet, in 2003, when the article was published, little was done in
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Personal Responsibility Essay Example for Free
Personal Responsibility Essay Accepting personal responsibility in life is one of the most important traits a person can have. A responsible person has accepted that they are in control of the choices they make in life and cannot blame other people for those choices. It also means that when they are responsible and can accomplish anything, including experiencing success in college and any other challenge put their way. What does personal responsibility mean? To me personal responsibility means that I am responsible for what I choose in life. I have to hold myself accountable and cannot blame others for the choices I make. Jake Lawson wrote on the website, ââ¬Å"Accepting personal responsibility includes but is not limited to: acknowledging that you are solely responsible for the choices in your life and accepting that you are responsible for what you choose to feel or thinkâ⬠(Lawson, 2011). That statement is very profound and powerful. It is easy to place the blame on others but all that really does is hold us back from finding our true potential. We cannot use scapegoats to hide the fact that we possibly make bad decisions in life. Whichever direction my life heads, I am the captain of this ship and I cannot let others control what I do. I have control over my emotional responses to outside interference and must live with the consequences of my actions. In the Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 89 (Issue 4), 497-515, Dana Klein wrote ââ¬Ëpeople are responsible when they act with the ability to do the right thing for the right reasons, or a good thing for good reasons.ââ¬â¢(Klein, pg. 497) What exactly does that mean? It means that if we choose not to do the right thing or make bad decisions, they have not shown personal responsibility. I have to be willing to improve myself professionally, academically and personally in life. I can never be complacent or else I will never accomplish more and continue to grow as a person. There is more to being responsible then just making the right choices. Personal ethics is also a large part of personal responsibility. If I do not make ethical and moral choices, I am not showing personal responsibility. When it comes to determining a specificà course of action, I have to take my personal ethics into account. First, I have to look at the action and what, if any, the moral repercussions of that action will be. Even if the course of action potentially could be beneficial to me, I have to be aware that it could hurt someone else. For example, if I am putting in for a promotion at work and I know that a coworker who is also considered is better qualified for the job, but because of gender or racial bias I am offered the promotion over him or her, I would have to weigh what the consequences would be if I accepted or refused the promotion. I could alienate myself from my coworkers if I took it, but may be passed over for future opportunities because I did not accept it. I would be tempted to take the job but in the end I would turn it down so my coworker would get it. It is true I may not get another chance to advance in the near future, but it is more important to me to have the respect of my peers. There is a distinct relationship between personal responsibility and college success. I have to complete all my assignments properly and have them turned in on time. I have to dedicate a certain amount of time to do this or else my schoolwork will suffer and I have only myself to blame. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that may cause an issue, but it is my responsibility to deal with it and minimize the impact of it. I cannot expect anyone else to do my work; otherwise I will never learn anything and will always be dependent on other people to help me make it through my college career. Therefore, although I do not want other people to do everything, I have to be willing to learn new things and take advantage of the numerous resources available to aid me to do my own work in making me a stronger student. There are many programs out there to help, such as tutoring or mentoring programs that can help me be more responsible with my education. In doing all this I can credit taking personal responsibility for succeeding in accomplishing my goals as a college student. Another part of accepting personal responsibility is the willingness to set up a plan in completing my goals in life and as a student. Life is chaotic enough, so being able to manage my time is extremely important. Time is at a premium so I need to set up a schedule for the day to balance work, family, and time to study and work on assignments without over-extending myself. If there is no schedule, it can lead to assignments being rushed and not completed to the fullest potentialà of what I know I can do. Another key element in planning to complete goals in life and as a student is not to wait until the last minute to do things. Procrastination can hurt when working on any task or assignment. I need to prioritize when certain assignments are due and get those completed in the order of when they need to be completed, and not to overlook smaller things because a group of smaller problems will become a larger problem. If things feel as if they are going out of control, I cannot be afraid to ask for guidance in how to rein in these issues and manage them better so as not to let certain things suffer, like work or personal life. In conclusion, personal responsibility is incredibly important in more than just education, but in life itself. One cannot be successful in any endeavor without accepting that they make the choices in life and decide to be responsible for those choices, whether they be good or bad. By understanding what I need to do to accept personal responsibility; I can become a better student, a better father, and a better person in general. I cannot let fear of the unknown control my actions because by overcoming fear and taking responsibility for my life, I can succeed at anything. Change your choices and actions, and you will change the results that follow (Gallozzi paragraph 5). Annotated Bibliography Reference Page Entry Gallozzi, C. (n.d.). Personal Responsibility. Retrieved from The article discusses the issue of personal responsibility and how making a change in your life is not possible without recognizing you alone are responsible for the choices you make. Reference Page Entry Lawson, J. (2011). Accepting personal responsibility. Retrieved from The site discusses the many facets of personal responsibility and the definitions of accepting personal responsibility and what failing to accept personal responsibility can lead to. Reference Page Entry Nelkin, D. K. (2008, December). Responsibility and rational abilities: defending an asymmetrical view. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 89 (Issue 4), 497-515. In this paper, the author defends a view according to which one is responsible for ones actions to the extent that one has the ability to do the right thing for the right reasons.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Machiavelli Essay -- essays research papers
à à à à à Niccolo Machiavelli, one of the great political minds of the 15th century, accomplished what many mathematicians today only dream of, having oneââ¬â¢s name used as an adjective. To be Machiavellian is to demonstrate characteristics of expediency, deceit, and cunning and as Machiavelli wrote in, The Prince, these are the qualities of a great leader. The Prince was published in 1531, creating great controversy with other political thinkers of the time. Machiavelli completely ignored the popular religious teachings of the era and erased the moral and ethical considerations from the leadership equation; the actions of a ruler should be governed solely by necessity. ââ¬Å"Since I intend to write something useful to an understanding reader, it seemed better to go after the real truth of the matter then to repeat what people have imaginedâ⬠(221). The predominate theme of The Prince is that it is the responsibility of any leader to secure and maintain the polit ical power of their state by any means necessary. One can consider many leaders in history who took this to heart, some into success and some into infamy. à à à à à Using the cold light of pure reasoning, Machiavelli analyzed human behavior and concluded that man is not good. Therefore, it is necessary for a leader who wishes to remain in power to learn how to not be good and to use this behavior and knowledge and bring it to bear on the decision he is making. ââ¬Å"Hence a Prince who wants to keep his post must learn how not to be good, and use that knowledge, or refrain from using it, as necessity requiresâ⬠(222). Machiavelli not only wanted people to let go of the idealistic fact that man is not pure at heart, but to take it a step further and embrace this assumption. Those who do embrace this assumption as a fundamental ââ¬Ëgivenââ¬â¢ will be the ones with the power to manipulate and control the masses. ââ¬Å"Men are so simple of mind and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find plenty who are ready to be deceivedâ⬠(228). Decades of thought about religion and po litics are intertwined in this thought. The common man willing to give up their free will to that of a higher power and many a deceitful theologian willing to exploit that ignorant passivity for their own purposes. Why does Machiavelli has such a low view of man? Was he just cynical ... ...orals have no place in politics because they prevent the ruler from doing what must be done to maintain control. â⬠No prince should mind being called cruel for what he does to keep his subjects united and loyal; he may make examples of a very few, but he will be more merciful in reality than those who, in their tenderheartedness, allow disorders to occur, with their attendant murders and lootingsâ⬠(225). à à à à à Getting a large, mostly Christian populace to suspend ethics and morality for the greater good is no small task. Machiavelli was making a statement about how society really functions rather than how people choose to perceive it. While still very controversial in a timeless way, Machiavelli makes some excellent points and his logic does produce results and much food for thought. However, there is one aspect Machiavelli failed to consider, are results the only thing that are important to a society? What is sacrificed to achieve his ultimate end? And is that price worth paying? à à à à à Machiavelli, Niccolo. ââ¬Å"The Morals of the Prince.â⬠50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. Ed. Samuel Cohen. NY, MA: Bedford/St. Martinââ¬â¢s, 2004. 221-229
Monday, November 11, 2019
History Of Volleyball Essay
On February 9, 1895, in Holyoke, Massachusetts, William G. Morgan, a YMCA P.E. director, made a game called Mignonette as a fun game to pass time by , to be mostly be played inside but could be played outside, by any number of players. The game took some of its characteristics from tennis and handball. Another indoor sport, basketball was becoming popular in the area due to the fact that it had been invented just ten mile away for Springfield Massachusetts, four years before volleyball was. Mintonette was designed to be an indoor sport, less rough than basketball, for older members of the YMCA, while still requiring the players to at least have some type of athleticism. Volleyball is a sport that is becoming more and more popular as the days go on. Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other teamââ¬â¢s court under organized rules William Morgan Created. There are many differen t achievements and history made from the creation of volleyball until now. William Morgan was born in the state of New York and studied at Springfield College in Massachusetts. While attending Springfield, Morgan met James Naismith who invented basketball in 1891. Morgan was motivated by Naismithââ¬â¢s game of basketball designed for younger students to invent a game for the older members of the YMCA. William Morganââ¬â¢s basis for the new game of Volleyball was the then popular and similar German game of Faustball and a few other sports including, tennis, basketball, baseball and handball. William Morgan graduated high school from Northfield Mount Hermon School and moved on to hen attended the YMCA International Training School; now known as Springfield College in Massachusetts with James Naismith, the inventor of basketball. Morgan and Naismith wanted careers in Physical Education at the YMCA. Morgan spent one year working prior to graduating from Springfield College in Auburn, Maine, at the YMCA. During the summer of 1895, Morgan moved to Holyoke, Massachusetts, where he still to worked for the YMCA as the Director of Physical Education. Since Morgan was the Director he was allowed to devise workout plans and teach sports in depth to the young male adults. February 9 1895, the first volleyball game, originally called ââ¬Å"Mintonetteâ⬠, was played in Holyoke Massachusetts at a YMCA. William Morgan saw basketball as extremely physically demanding, because you had to constantly run up and down the court. He didnââ¬â¢t think that his was something that older, non-athletic adults, and businessmen, werenââ¬â¢t in good enough shape to do. Seeing this, he began to create a game with similar objectives to basketball, but for people who werenââ¬â¢t in as good of shape, such as a group of middle-aged businessmen who were members at his YMCA. He also borrowed ideas from a few different sports, such as tennis, handball, baseball, and badminton to make volleyball. He used the inside of a basketball as the first volleyball. In the original rules, the net would be 6 ft. 6 inches, this was because he wanted it a little taller than most of the men who would be playing it. It would have a court that was 25 ft. By 50 ft., so it could easil y be played in different YMCAs. It had two teams of any number of players, because he wanted it to accommodate differing sized groups. Each match consisted of nine innings. Each team could serve three times per inning. There was no limit to the number of times each team could contact a ball before volleying it back to the other team. Each server was allowed two tries to get the ball over the net. A point would be awarded to the other team if the ball hit the net, except in the case of a faulty first serve, if the ball failed to be served back to the other side before hitting the ground; or if the ball was hit outside of the court by the team that had just returned it over the net. Mintonette was first played at his YMCA and the rules were tweaked over the course of a little under a year until 1896 when Morgan wrote down the ââ¬Å"finalâ⬠rules and submitted them for review at a YMCA Physical Directorââ¬â¢s Conference. At that same conference at the International YMCA Traini ng School, the first exhibition game was played between different YMCA groups. One of the spectators of this exhibition match, Dr. Alfred T. Halstead suggested to Morgan that a better name for the sport than Mintonette would be ââ¬Å"Volley Ballâ⬠. Volleyball was originally two words until 1952, when it was officially changed to one word because the game primarily consisted of volleying a ball back and forth. Morgan liked the new name and so re-named the sport. Volleyball received an unexpected boost with the outbreak of WWI. The YMCA established a War Office, which decided to include volleyball in the recreation and education program forà American armed forces at home and abroad. Thousands of balls, nets, and rulebooks were distributed to U.S. troops. By the end of the war, the game had traveled with the army to France, Italy, and Egypt. It was especially well received in Eastern European countries where long, harsh winters made indoor sports attractive. Russians discovered volleyball in the early 1920s when the game was played at YMCAs in the new Soviet Union. Within a few years, Russians had claimed the sport as their own. In 1927, Soviet officials ejected the YMCA as a ââ¬Å"capitalistic, bourgeois, and religiousâ⬠organization, but volleyball stayed. The sport became so popular in the Soviet Union that within a decade over 400,000 people played the game. The USSR held the worldââ¬â¢s first national volleyball championship. O ne match was played on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. World War II continued the global spread of volleyball. The Federation International de Volleyball says ââ¬Å"everywhere, from the South Pacific to the Finnish front, volleyball drew crowds among troops engaged in the Second World War.â⬠The sport was especially well-adapted to the limited space on aircraft carriers. In the 1920s and 1930s, women began to play the game. Russia won the first world championship for women held in Moscow in 1952. The rapid growth of Californiaââ¬â¢s population after WWII created another venue for and variant of the game beach volleyball, it received official status in 1986. Today volleyball is one of the most popular team sports in the world and is still growing, though obviously professionally speaking; itââ¬â¢s still not as popular as sports such as association football, Baseball, Basketball, American Football, or the like. The Federation International de Volleyball is saying that they believe is currently the worldââ¬â¢s most played team sport. Volleyball first reached Asia in 1908 when a Springfield College graduate demonstrated the game at the YMCA in Tokyo. In 1910, two representatives of the Y brought the game to China, and the YMCA director in Manila introduced it to the Philippines. William Morgan, the Holyoke inventor of the game, died in 1942 at the age of 68. If he would have lived just a little bit longer he would have got to see the creation of an international volleyball federation in Paris. In 1964, the International Olympic Committee recognized volleyball as an official Olympic sport. Although it is not as popular in the United St ates as basketball but volleyball was played all over the world. In 1946 A study of recreation in the United States showed that volleyball was ranked fifth among team sports being promoted and organized. In 1947, the Federation Internationale De Volley-Ball was founded in Paris. In 1948, the first two-man beach tournament was held. In 1949, the first World Championships were held in Prague, Czechoslovakia. In 1949 USVBA added a collegiate division, for competitive college teams. For the first ten years collegiate competition was sparse. Teams formed only through the efforts of interested students and instructors. Many teams ended when the interested people left the college. Competitive teams were not in one place. In 1951 Volleyball was played by over 50 million people each year in over 60 countries. In 1955 ââ¬â Pan American Games included volleyball. In 1957 The International Olympic Committee stated that volleyball was an Olympic team sport that would be in the 1964 Olympic Games. In 1959 the International University Sports Federatio n held the first University Games in Turin, Italy. Volleyball was one of the eight competitions held. In 1960 Seven Midwestern colleges created the Midwest Intercollegiate Volleyball Association. In 964 Southern California Intercollegiate Volleyball Association was formed in California. In the 1960ââ¬â¢s new techniques added to the game included, the soft spike, forearm pass, blocking across the net, and defensive diving and rolling. In 1964, Volleyball was introduced to the Olympic Games in Tokyo. The Japanese volleyball used in the 1964 Olympics, was made up of a rubber carcass with leather paneling. The balls in the competitions today look pretty much the same. In 1965, the California Beach Volleyball Association was formed. 1968 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics made volleyball their fifteenth competitive sport. In 1969 The Executive Committee of the NCAA proposed addition of volleyball to its program. In 1983, the Association of Volleyball Professionals was formed. In 1984, the US won their first medals at the Olympics in Los Angeles. The Men won the Gold, and the Women the Silver. In 1986, the Womenââ¬â¢s Professional Volleyball Association was for med. These are just few accomplishments and impacts volleyball had. Volleyball is beginning to become one of Americas, and the worldââ¬â¢s elite and popular sports. Ironically Basketball and Volleyball were created no more than 30 minutes apart and in the same time period. Today volleyball is one of the most popular team sports in the world and is still growing, though obviously professionallyà speaking; itââ¬â¢s still not as popular as sports such as association football, Baseball, Basketball, American Football, or the like. However, the Federation International de Volleyball claims that it is currently the world have most played team sport. Volleyball is growing and will always continue to do so. Bibliography Mass Moments, . ââ¬Å"Holyoke Man Creates volleyball.â⬠ Mass Web. 20 Feb 2014. . Today I found out, . ââ¬Å"February 9th: William G. Morgan Invents a Game Called Mintonette that is Better Known Today as Volleyball.â⬠ Web. 20 Feb 2014. . History of volleyball, . ââ¬Å"History of volleyball.â⬠ N.p.. Web. 20 Feb 2014.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Logistics of a Third-World Relief Operation
Due to the Internal cooperation and collaboration within INCUR a great amount of knowledge emerges. This knowledge, later, Is shared with other organizations (Nags). The extensive cooperation, coordination and communication are the key successful factors for the productive partnership between both of the companies. They are on the right way because frequently they organize meetings to discuss and Implement Improvements. An Important factor INCUR should consider Is to enter Into an alliance with local government and military.Military plays a crucial role in this field; he principal reason for reaching an agreement with it is that military possesses security and emergency responses. Cooperation with government can minimize cultural differences between the refugees and the personal of the organizations. While, military participation can be useful when unforeseen events, such as meteorological or political circumstances, occur (e. G. Providing airplanes in order to reduce supplies lead t imes). From the standpoint of incoming supply and storage of non-food-items (blankets, water cans, kitchen setsâ⬠¦It can be said that the unit logistic system was not able to predict the amount of goods that would arrive at the warehouse. They did not have any control over the consignments (size, deliveries times); consequently enormous obstacles are likely to arise in satisfying refugees' needs. A solution to this problem can be the implementation of a SIT system. The core of this system is to Increase the productivity through maintaining Inventories at a minimum level. Perhaps, this is a possibility for the necessity of more space than contemplated for non-food items.Thus, it would enable them to order the exact amount of food they need. On the one hand, this allows a flexible system that is able to confront unpredictable changes. On the other hand, SIT system may have some disadvantages. In some cases this system would not be able to meet unforeseen orders. The major issue th at the senior logistics officer has to face is linked to the transportation of goods. A radical change about it is necessary. Infrastructure in Rwanda Is extremely poor.Climate, bad roads conditions, non-protective nature of he labor/w;irking conditions for the drivers worsen the situation even more. With regard to the latter, a working day of 8 hours and a drivers' rotation in one Journey, are likely to force simple modifications. These modifications can lead greater operational efficiency. Transport capacities play a pivotal role in improving the management of supplies. Andrew should precisely estimate the exact number of trucks required each time: the duration of the trip, how long it takes to undead 1 OFF other related issues.Uncertain situations such as inconsistent information or cultural preferences constitute a barrier that could lead to enormous delays and unfulfilled demands. Therefore, delivering the right amount of supplies within the due dates is a task that all involve d organizations must satisfy. Moreover, assessment (e. G. Data gathering) before implementing a new relief operation is indispensable in order to build a strong plan. If an organization aims to develop an effective relief logistic system, it is essential to analyze thoroughly its investment in vulnerable transport and communication.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Communication in China essay
Communication in China essay Communication in China essay Communication in China essayAccording to Charles P. Cell (1969) ââ¬Å"Communication in Chinaââ¬â¢s Mass Mobilization Campaignsâ⬠, the communicative campaign in China serves different roles that include not just the necessity to integrate the society into the campaign, as it is simply a means of controlling the population for the benefit of leaders. Instead, the author notes that the core function of the Chinese campaigns is to change the social tendencies and cultural patterns to ensure that all this is equally beneficial to a greater number of people. In his article, the author explores the roles of the campaigns by stating that the success of the communicative techniques used in the campaigns is much dependent on the persuasion rather than control. Hence the communicative techniques of the campaigns should be based on the implementation of certain changes. The author concludes that the leadershipââ¬â¢s efforts to change the patterns of behavior and attitudes of the Chin ese society through the communicative techniques and process of mobilization ultimately proved to be some of the greatest social campaigns in the whole history of humanity. However, the mobilization of society via the use of different communicative techniques is undoubtedly not an easy task.Godwin C. Chu in his article ââ¬Å"Radical Change through Communication in Maoââ¬â¢s Chinaâ⬠(1977) explores the issue that in contrast to most of other developing states, China has entirely focused on the communication as a core of the development process. The author examines a number of communication patterns emphasizing that the steady development of the Chinese state started along with the implementation of radical changes in the structure of society, which consequently removed a number of barriers and resulted in mobilizing social resources. The author also examines different kinds of communication focusing on the informational, normative and effective ones. These communicative patt erns serve a common function of encouraging the primary changes of social structure as an essence of the Chinaââ¬â¢s progress. According to the article, this will ensure the rapid enhancement of productivity and effective management of the development programs.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Detailed research proposal-Role of social media on the 2011 london Essay
Detailed research proposal-Role of social media on the 2011 london riots - Essay Example In recent years, since the dawn of the Arab Spring, it has also become a means of informing the public about political issues and of rallying the public towards collective action. This was very much apparent in 2011 when various riots and demonstrations were organized, spurred on, and won with the primary help of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. The so-called Facebook Revolution was seen in Egypt when various demonstrations against the ruling government were staged by the general population with the help of Facebook. This was also seen in London in 2011 from August 6-11 when various events led to various demonstrations in the British capital. During the riots and demonstrations, many of those participating did not cover their faces, even posing for pictures while they made off with stolen goods and posting them in the social networking sites (BBC, 2011). There are different theories which would help explain the impact of the social media on the 2011 London riots. On e of these theories includes the social movement theory which indicates a useful foundation in understanding the movement of individuals with the end goal of managing collective actions and problems relating to individual movement participation (Dewey,, 2012). This theory presents a context upon which the role of the social media can be further understood. Political struggles can manifest in different incarnations, including protest, collective action and contention (Tilly, 2011). Protests express shared ideals which are often observed in street politics. For collective action, this occurs where a specific group shares interests and acts based on such interests. Finally, contention includes making claims with parties also making demands affecting collective interests. The social movement theory argues that communities having strong network ties are more likely to go through collective actions as compared with those having weak ties. Strong social ties in networks often enable initial calls for participation in social movements, and later they ease the way towards participation as they decrease issues in mobilization. McAdam and Paulsen (1993) also argue that strong social ties help recruit individuals, as well as serve as effective communication tools in spreading messages for social movements across networks. To a large extent, just as the social media was used to draw in more participants, the social media also became a tool by which these rioters were apprehended for their illegal actions. The utility of the social media worked both ways (Denef,, 2013). Cases of looting and vandalism were actually resolved by the police by looking through Flickr and Facebook, looking through galleries of pictures in order to identify perpetrators. Most of the riots were also organized and triggered through Twitter. At some point, Twitter was described as a tool for promoting gang violence (Williams, 2011). However, evidence also indicates that the riots were i nspired by postings based on daily news from the media (Williams, 2011). Based on these circumstances, it would be logical to conclude that the social media has had a major role in the outcome of the 2011 London riots. The impact here refers to how the social media has helped in spreading word-of-mouth, impacting on the largest number of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Quality improvement in clinical practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Quality improvement in clinical practice - Essay Example Sufficient application of patient safety within various organisations contributes to overall quality of services offered within a specified establishment. Patient safety and healthcare quality, therefore, remain two components which affect each other directly. This paper seeks to analyse the element of patient safety within various healthcare organisations. The paper presents a discussion of the various factors influencing the occurrence of patient safety incidents within a hospital setting. Patient safety incidents become significantly affected by three major factors; human factors, medical complexity and system failures within healthcare organisations. Majority of issue leading to the occurrence of these instances could be regulated through adoption of efficient patient safety framework and policies, enhancing patient safety. The current framework includes guidelines provided by government organisations regarding processes of implementing sufficient patient safety policies. Numerou s organisations continue to follow the government provisions; however, modifications enhancing safety become necessary in increasing the efficiency of the safety systems. These modifications, however, must conform to the provisions of regulating government authorities, charged with overseeing implementation of patient safety. ... ons 13 References 14 Introduction Patient safety refers to the prevention of erroneous occurrences, related to healthcare provision, which could present adverse effects on patients. Comprehensive safety includes the capacity for employees to operate within stipulated regulations, seeking to minimise occurrence of medical mistakes (Hughes, 2008). Such medical errors could potentially harm patients through presenting a hazard to patients. The inclusion of these regulations within different healthcare establishments ensures that patients remain unexposed to dangers, while residing within these establishments. Patients commonly attribute patient safety to quality healthcare; hence seek healthcare from organisations where they feel safe. Safety of patients remains fundamental to establishing a good reputation for various healthcare organisations. Enhanced safety operation ensures minimal cases of injuries and deaths of patients while residing within hospitals. The inclusion of safety proc edures within the healthcare sector remains fundamental in improving the quality of services offered within healthcare organisations. Patient safety has been identified as an indistinguishable component of overall patient safety (CokerGroup, 2008). Through patient safety, the balance realised between the realised operational procedures and provided guidelines comprise patient safety. The quality of healthcare resides within the perception of individuals receiving the care. This perceived quality could become enhanced through ensuring patient safety while receiving medical services, within a medical organisation. Enhanced patient safety, therefore, signifies quality healthcare to the recipients of the services. While safety procedures can become clearly defined, quality cannot be defined,
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